* Date Feb 2010
* Address 3517 NE 46th Ave., Portland, Oregon
* Phone Number 503-282-6313
* Hours 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM all day
* Comments of Decor --this is sort'a like a little playhouse in someone's oversize garage -- It is all done in bright colors with a nod toward an Atomic Cafe Style--but it is a nod that doesn't hit the mark. There certainly was no place that looked like this back in the Eames Era. Bumblekiss is located just off Fremont-and you could easily miss it--even though it has been painted in a BRIGHT ORANGE color that hollers at you to notice it. There is not much space inside--and the chairs are not inviting. It has a mish-mash of decor: some black & white photography; some old bright-blue, molded plastic squares, strung together to make a faux room divider, pieces of mirrors cut in circles pasted all over one wall. Standing on the tables are little home made collage's with sayings on them. All around the decor is just off center. But who cares, we are not there for the art work

* You Ought to Try - the Blue Corn Pancakes! These are fabulous--full of pine nuts and flavor
* The Service Was -nice nice nice
* Of special note -- you may have to work a little to find the place--but it is worth it. And while their decorating skills may be lacking they certainly make up for it is the quality of the food.
* We will go back? Yes --it is way out of our way but we could easily be convinced to make the trek to this special little place.
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